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Attitude towards Life

Having a harmonious state of mind, feeling relaxed, optimistic, secure and with inner calm, is one of the best antidotes against illness that we can enjoy. Said like this it is easy to understand but the difficult thing, for many people, is to achieve it.

And it is that, sometimes, we do not lead the life that we want and we make decisions that we do not like, because of hundreds of external pressures that we accept in our lives, like great slabs that we have to endure.

There are many people who, out of necessity, do jobs that do not make them happy. People who wake up every day feeling that they are sacrificing because they have no other choice; and that, in their lives, they have to suffer the consequences of their past decisions, no matter how much it costs or hurts them.

The reality is that these people should (and can) find a way to change that situation. Yes, it is easy to say it but it is not so easy to do it, although what is the alternative? Eternally suffer discouragement and the cruel reality of feeling permanently dissatisfied?

Ideally, while doing the work that causes us so much grief every Monday and morning, we begin to think about what we would like to do, and we begin to look for a way to achieve it. Because it can be done! Many of us work on what was our dream and many, every morning, wake up with the illusion of doing what they love.

Therefore, it is possible to make a change and enjoy life more. What's more, we all deserve it!

And as with work, we must analyze the satisfaction and happiness that our home provides us, our love life, our hobbies, our social life, friends, our physical appearance, ... And everything that does not bring us Happiness, should! be eliminated or replaced by an alternative that enriches us!

Life should be like a large Amusement Park, where the emotions that are enjoyed are intense, pleasant and fun. Nobody plays what they don't like EVERY DAY. Therefore, we should not do anything that steals our smile, or submit to constant "sacrifices", because it is not FAIR.

Beginning to become aware of it, make a commitment to oneself and seek satisfaction in every facet of our life, is the safe conduct that will guide us towards that harmonious, happy and healthy life that will make us shine with the beauty that makes us genuine and unique to each of us.

And this is something we can start to do RIGHT NOW.

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